Sunday, January 20, 2013

Secondary Text: The Manual of the Mother Church

The Manual of The Mother Church is the governing document of the Christian Science Church and was written by Mary Baker Eddy. During Eddy’s lifetime, the “Church Manual” went through 88 different revisions. The 89th edition includes revisions that were in process of being reviewed before Eddy’s death, but were not granted her formal approval. A small sect of Christian Scientists rejects the edition for that reason, although the vast majority does not see the changes as that significant. Those who are part of the small minority who reject the 89th edition of the Manual, believe that Eddy intended various stipulations for her consent to effect the dissolution of the Church when she died, as they could not longer be heeded literally.

The Manual contains sixteen articles of a variety of by-laws that address topics that range from individual practice to church disciple and structure. The appendix of the Manuel also contains provisions for applying to be a member, church service order, and a Deed of Trust for the church’s land. The Manual is held in high regard with respect to the religious practice of Christian Science.

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