Sunday, January 27, 2013

Popular Depiction: Christian Science Criticism

 Although Christian Science is categorized as a religion of Christianity it tends to be not as popular as other Christian religions due to its different beliefs. Although the Church of Christian Science believes in God, Jesus, and the use of the Holy Bible, their belief system is slightly different from other Christian religions. For example many Christians believe that the ability of Jesus to perform miraculous healings and miracles are a representation of his divinity that only Jesus can perform while the Church of Christian Science sees these acts as example of how correcting negativity within the mind first can lead to the healing of many things including illnesses. With these sort of beliefs Christian Science received a lot of negative feedback with reports of it being a heresy during its early years of establishment. Legendary American author Mark Twain was also a critic of Christian Science. Twain published to books Christian Science and The Secret History of Eddypus, the World Empire. At the time Twain strongly believed that Mary Baker Eddy’s establishing of Christian Science was a ploy to increase power and wealth for her own benefit. The frenzy of criticism of Christian Science eventually died down after Eddy’s death in 1910 but for numerous years after the religion was still seen as a cult by many.

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