Sunday, January 27, 2013

Comparison: Christian Science and Scientology

Christian Science is often easily confused with Scientology due to the common use of “science” in both religious titles. After forming a foundation of knowledge of both religions it is evident that although they are very different, they do have some similarities. Christian Science is heavily based o the idea of science in a “mind over matter” perspective, believing that the spiritual world is the most important and essential world while anything else such as illness is an illusion. Through these beliefs Church of Christian Science believes that mental healing is the first step to healing physical illnesses.  Similar to this belief, Scientology believes that everyone has a thetan or individualized identity that correlates to the cosmic source/ life force meaning. From this, one can see that both religions similarly believe that there is a greater mental and spiritual identity in individuals beyond the normal reality. Even with its similarities there are major differences that separate the two religions completely. The Church of Christian Science is more closely related to any other form of Christianity. Similar to other Christian religions, Christian Science uses the Bible as its text and fully believes in God and his teachings. While on the other hand Scientology is not recognized as a Christian religion because the do not acknowledge the Bible, God, or Jesus within their practices.

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