Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ellen DeGeneres: A Critic of Christian Science

Ellen DeGeneres is easily one of the most recognizable faces on television worldwide. She is a renowned television host, stand-up comedian, and actress. She is currently the host of The Ellen DeGeneres Show. In addition to this, she has hosted the Primetime Emmys and Academy Awards and has starred in numerous movies such as Finding Nemo, Mr. Wrong, and The Love Letter.

Growing up, Ellen was raised in a devout Christian Science family. However, Ellen is currently not a practicing member of the faith, and is a critic of the religion. She is in disagreement with many of the practices and beliefs, which the religion holds to be important. For example, growing up as a Christian scientist, she had no form of medical training. For example, in high school she was not allowed to attend any science classes. She never had a shot or even was able to take any pills or medicine until she was 13 years old. She was forced to attend to church, and to go to testimonies every Wednesday night.

Although Ellen is not a fan of the Christian Science faith or organized religion for that matter, she is still very much in touch with her spirituality. Ellen believes in seeing God in everything around her, and believes that it’s not just life after death that should be good, but also the lives that we live on Earth. She believes that God is benevolent, and that one has a choice to live in joy or not.

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