Sunday, January 27, 2013

Primary Practice: Sunday School

Sunday school is an extremely important part of the Christian Science faith, as teaching and learning are crucial to the religion. Each Sunday school class is designed to serve and educate the needs of each individual student. The material covered in the classes is based on the Bible, and the goal is to gain new insight into the Bible through the help of Eddy’s Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Students of every age are taught the Lord’s Prayer and Eddy’s spiritual interpretation of it, the Ten Commandments, and the Sermon on the Mount. In the classes, there is a strong emphasis on the idea that everyone can practice the spiritual healing ideas that are brought up in the sessions.

Sunday School begins with the Superintendent calling all the students together. Next, there is singing and the group begins to focus on a certain theme of the week’s Bible Lesson. Everyone is encouraged to read together, pray in private, and then pray the Lord’s Prayer out loud. Students are then divided into different classes, which each class time spent differently on every Sunday. These classes are a time for healing, learning, study, questioning, and practicing. After the classes finish, everyone gathers together to sing again and to read the “scientific statement of being” that can be found in Science and Health.

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