Sunday, January 27, 2013

Primary Practice: Healing

Healing is an extremely important part of the Christian Science faith. To Christian Scientists, healing is not altering the state of one’s body. It is realizing the truth about man and his place in the universe. This realization is not simply an intellectual one, but it is the true realization of spiritual ideas of Life and Truth that can only be found through God. Christian Scientists attribute all true power, goodness, and intelligence to God and the divine Mind. What the divine Mind knows is pure goodness as it is its own universal perfection. There is nothing else outside of what God knows. Thought that is tied to the all-loving Mind must in turn be good; it can give us strength. In essence, knowing that which is truth for the purpose of spiritual healing is knowing who we innately are. The realization of this truth makes us free in every aspect of the word: spiritually, morally, physically and mentally.

The Christian healing treatment works with the Mind, and not with material objects. Although the effects of the treatment may appear to be in the physical realm, it is carried out completely in the mental realm. The treatment that Christian Scientists seek is the correction of false thought with that which is true. The choice of thoughts then, and in turn choosing which thoughts are actually true is the underlying concept of Christian Science healing.

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